Black Lives Matter
We the member sites of Historic Germantown Consortium affirm. Black Lives Matter! We stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color communities and share their grief over lives lost and their goals for social justice. We honor the presence of Black and Brown residents, activists, and leaders in Northwest Philadelphia.
The consortium holds itself accountable to a high standard of inclusion and outreach, and acknowledges the deep refits in our neighborhoods caused by racism, violence, disinvestment, and white supremacy. We condemn these behaviors and structures, holding space to claim our role in making positive changes within our institutions and in the wider world.
Historic Germantown sites will continue to tell diverse and fascinating stories of the past, present, and future that highlight pride of place, famous firsts, prominent families and grassroots leaders, and the ongoing struggle for freedom. In this work, we will foster greater participation, equity and opportunity within our community, striving to make the repairs and share the resources necessary to build goodwill and promote social justice now and into the future.
Cliveden acknowledges the tragic and senseless deaths of George Floyd and so many others of our collective community. As we all feel the sorrow and the frustration, know that Cliveden stands against racism, police brutality and injustice. We remain dedicated to promoting diversity and working with all of our colleagues, partners, storytellers and stakeholders to interpret the inequalities in American history that inform the present and the future of the nation. Cliveden remains committed to be a safe space for difficult, but vital, conversations about race, history, culture, class, gender and current events and to work alongside the Black community and all communities to dismantle systematic racism.