Recurring Membership

Renew your membership automatically every year and support a local historic site!

Friends of Cliveden Membership, friends automatic renewal, membership registration, renewing membership, recurring membership

Thank you for being a Friends of Cliveden member! Your support allows Cliveden to grow and engage with its community through public programming and preservation projects.

All Friends of Cliveden members receive the following benefits:

  • Unlimited admission to Cliveden for the member for one year
  • Discounted tickets for programs, events, and classes
  • Recognition in Cliveden's Annual Report
  • Cliveden's e-newsletters, advance notification of programs, events, and classes
  • Invitations to exclusive Cliveden member events
  • Each membership will receive one (1) complimentary one-time guest pass with House Tour


Members receive a 5% discount for renewing their membership automatically! Use the online form below to set up your automatic renewal today. For a breakdown of the member levels, please see below.

After renewing your membership, a confirmation email will be sent to the email entered in the form and a new membership card will be mailed in 5-7 business days.

For any questions, please contact Jocelyn Rouse, Marketing & Development Coordinator, at [email protected].

friends of cliveden logo, renewing membership

Membership Levels & Renewal Amounts